Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Biden Campaign Accuses Trump of Massive Election Fraud

MG ‘Doc’ Woodworth


In a press conference held on Facebook Live this morning, Media-Elect President Joe Biden announced the filing of a dozen lawsuits against the Trump Re-election campaign, complaining of massive voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election.

Mr. Moshah L. Tyree, Legal Affairs advisor for the Biden-Harris campaign said, “The fingerprints of Orange Fat Man’s small hands are all over the place. Never in the history of American electoral politics has anyone cheated as much as evil Trump and his deplorable, gun and Bible clinging minions. In every town and state across this great country, in every poll booth, Trump cheated by stuffing the ballot boxes, making up votes, and having dead people all vote for Trump.”

“Our investigation shows that despite the best efforts of social media, the news services, and the Democratic Party,’s Election Fairness and Justice divisions, Trump received far more votes than that trans and homo phobic, misogynistic, hateful, racist, white supremacist Trump deserved. The wide spread fraud is so obvious, because we all know that no one in their right minds would vote for a criminal like Nazi sympathizer Trump. In fact, we insist that all votes for Trump are illegal, as it must surely be illegal, immoral, unfair, and completely and thoroughly opposed to the principles of democracy for anyone to be allowed to vote for Trump. Therefore, we insist that all votes for President Trump be declared null and void. America needs to maintain its complete faith in an honest electoral system that will only elect people that we feel are capable of promoting fairness, open-mindedness, democratic principles of eco- and racial- justice.” (soon!) copyright © 2020 mgw



MG ‘Doc’ Woodworth

JD/Ph.d SLU. Conservatarian. Writer: Dawn of the IncarnAI series, Founder