MG ‘Doc’ Woodworth
2 min readJul 9, 2020

Lie, scheme, and commit sedition for 4 years to overthrow a sitting president. Morons glued to biased media propaganda echo chambers have no idea what is going on. Get the nuttiest, loudest, useless people like AOC and Ilhan Omar to set your policies and agenda.

Remember: It is rationally and spiritually illogical for a Christian to be a Democratic Party member.

Here is what you get with Democrats:

1. Eliminate the border. The USA needs to be the only country in human history without a border.
2. Encourage everyone on the planet, whether poverty-stricken, diseased, and criminal, to emigrate to the USA so they can have everything they want: food, housing, sex change operations, paid for by the diminishing pool of taxpayers.
3. Eliminate traditional notions of biological sex.
4. Alzheimer stricken socialist old white male hetero presidential candidate hidden in a basement, prob. won’t debate Pres. Trump.
5. Abort 9 month old healthy babies if you want to. If still alive after we burn them alive or chop them up, we will set its clump of cells in a broom closet to die. Then sell their body parts for a tidy profit!
6. Raise your taxes! How the fuck can anyone support paying these losers when the government wastes so much money now?
7. Take away your constitutional right to self defense.
8. Defund police. What can possibly go wrong? Dumbest idea since point 1 above.
9. Promise to fundamentally change America’s political and economic system. Would you trust these idiots to run anything? Look at their cities and states… disaster areas.
10. Remember free speech? Poof! Gone!



MG ‘Doc’ Woodworth

JD/Ph.d SLU. Conservatarian. Writer: Dawn of the IncarnAI series, Founder