Revelations 6:6:6

MG ‘Doc’ Woodworth
2 min readJul 20, 2023

And I quote:

He opened His mouth and spake unto them saying, “In the final days there will be wars and rumors of wars, and plagues and fire, and pestilence and disease. People’s cries of pain and horror will rise to the heavens. And then will come the clearest sign of the end.

Verily and Forsooth:

From the churning, poisoned waters will arise a great Monster, a sinful war-mongering whore! It shall be the Blue Machine, a blend of RINO treasonous backstabbing and progressive idiocracy, a horror to humanity and to the planet Earth unknown since the before the Seventh Day of Creation. Many will succumb to its soul-destroying seductions.

You will know it is true when you ….

Must hurry ….

sorry …

The Prophesies of Nostradidymouse:

“In the final days, a dithering moron will be placed upon the Seat of Power to wage war upon reality and common sense.

Thinking themselves wise, many will be seduced to the soothing ministrations of evil incarnate: the borders of the land shall be open to all evils: fentanyl to kill 100,000 youth per year, sex trafficking of children, all profit sharing Mexican Drug Cartels and Democratic Party coffers.

Everything evil will be seen as good.

The Democratic party demons will take your kids from you and teach them to hate you. They will abort living babies anytime before the end of their actual birthday and call it good.

Many hypocrites will sit in ‘churches’ that claim to love the Lord but support abortion and crime and lies.”

“And then shall come the end. The hypocrites, the demon worshippers, the criminals that lied, cheated and stole, all who voted Democrat, will be tossed into the fires that have been prepared since before the Democrats made every sin legal.”



MG ‘Doc’ Woodworth

JD/Ph.d SLU. Conservatarian. Writer: Dawn of the IncarnAI series, Founder