Welcome to the United Deep State of America!

MG ‘Doc’ Woodworth
3 min readJan 20, 2021
The Deep State is now fully in charge

Today, with the swearing in of the befuddled Usurper Biden, is the official founding of the United Deep State of America.

The United States of America, a constitutional republic, no longer exists.

I will not be a citizen of the UDSA.

I will be flying my 50 star American flag upside down until The People rectify that monstrosity. Voting and most news no longer have any value whatsoever. Soon our dollar won’t either.

They control all that.

They know we know, but are too haughty to care that we know. They hate Trump and his supporters so much and were so desperate to get rid of him, they had to reveal themselves for all to see with an unprecedented open and obvious theft of an election — later counting on their control of the media and RINOs to get away with the steal and maintain power.

Also known as the Shadow Government or The Blob, some deny such an entity exists and controls our government. We will demonstrate to the satisfaction of any open-minded person that the Deep State exists within government and industry in a later essay.

For now, understand that the oligarchic elite, captains of industry, military leaders, connected people, and bureaucracies exist. And that these have interests such as power and profit. That our so-called news media can impact people’s thinking. That social media can help breed echo chambers of like-minded people.

It has always been this way, that the wealthy have more say in government affairs than ordinary people, from Greece and Rome to feudal kings, to the Vatican, to The British Empire.

The current Deep State is unique, in that it can control people with tools that the Nazis or KGB or Stasi, would have drooled over, google search manipulation and social media echo chambers. Amazon, the king of book sales, deplatforming alternative speech.

Key ideological factions in hegemonic government today:

  1. The Democratic Party old guard. Composed of the neo-liberal wing of the Party. An uneasy partnership between the forces centered around Hillary Clinton and the Obamas. This block has long been a part of the Deep State, promoting military interventions throughout the world to maximize Military Industrial Complex (“MIC”) profits. And there are many similar complexes out there, stealing from the taxpayers and benefitting people like Hunter and Joe Biden, from welfare to healthcare.
  2. The Squad. The progressive-socialist wing of politics. Originally led by Sanders, but forced out by a DNC manipulation in favor of Hillary in 2016 and again in 2020. The DS has traditionally used social issues (which they really don’t care too much about) to divide and conquer The People (abortion, Second Amendment). Here again (OWS being a recent example), the DS uses the energy and enthusiasm (and naiveté) of the socialists (Antifa/BLM) and will discard them when they are no longer needed.
  3. RINOs. Republicans in Name Only. Liberal republicans, many managed by the MIC and other sectors composing the DS. McCain. Romney. McConnell. Graham. Resistance. Never Trumpers. They all worked against Trump behind the scenes, backstabbing him at every opportunity. Even the Bush’s announced they didn’t vote for Trump. The Republican Party Old Guard despises Trump and his supporters.

These factions are everywhere, in politics, in media, in education, and share many biases, and above all, driven in the past four years by mutual hatred for All. Things. Trump, used every tool at their disposal to get rid of him.

And in the end they won. Even Trump couldn’t stop them.

But in the process they:

  1. Destroyed our Constitution and Bill of Rights,
  2. Revealed themselves.

So here we are.

I suspect their hubris will contribute to their downfall. It will be painful for us all.

We shall soon see fascism as never before. History eliminated. Free Speech supressed. Self defense rights taken away.

News is now propaganda. They will tell you what they want you to know. They will not let opposing opinions go unpunished. Voting won’t matter, as they already know who will win, and it will be one of theirs.

Rules will be changed. Illegal immigrants and their crimes and economic damage ignored. Citizenship and borders wide open. Loss of filibuster in the senate. Stacked Supreme Court.

There are valuable lessons that most of us must relearn.

Self responsibility being but one.

copyright © 2021 mgw



MG ‘Doc’ Woodworth

JD/Ph.d SLU. Conservatarian. Writer: Dawn of the IncarnAI series, Founder SlashSarcasm.com