MG ‘Doc’ Woodworth
1 min readJun 10, 2021

Critical Race Theory: A Malignancy Against Western Civilization

The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association called whiteness “a malignant, parasitic-like condition.”

The article, titled ‘On Having Whiteness,’ was written by a Dr. Donald Moss.

Dr. Moss a white man.

And a faculty member of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.

Says the confused doctor, “‘[w]hite’ people have a particular susceptibility” to the “parasitic” condition, which he claims “renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse.” He explained he believed whiteness establishes “entitled dominion” that enables the “host” to have “power without limit, force without restriction, violence without mercy,” and increases one’s drive to “terrorize.”


This article joins other stories where progressive and otherwise successful ‘white’ people have learned to despise themselves simply for who they are, that is, despise the genetic coded material that they were ‘cursed with’ since conception. Some white people flagellate themselves with whips like medieval monks to force the whiteness from their body, so I have heard.

The current Critical Race Theory, BLM/ANTIFA mantra of the Democratic Party/AOC Block lead to such self loathing? How can this aid race issues inflamed by wealthy, self-harming Karens living in gated communities?

Progressivism is at root a secular religion; its adherents are misguided, stuck in an echo chambered alternate reality that seeks to destroy not just America As We Once Knew it but the values of western civilization itself.

MG ‘Doc’ Woodworth

JD/Ph.d SLU. Conservatarian. Writer: Dawn of the IncarnAI series, Founder